
I recently had to read a lot of books in order to improve my knowledge of Software Architecture. I will be writing short reviews for all of them, so here is the first one:


A good book for initial overview of the topic. Written specifically for developers wanting to become architects it assumes you have previous knowledge of most of the topics (or at least you have heard about them). It gives an overview of what Software Architecture is about, why it is needed and how to document it. None of the topics go into too much detail, but it’s easy to read and gives enough information to get you started. I really liked that the author talks about what you duties will be as an architect, and some dos and don’ts for you daily work. This allows you to evaluate if you still want to pursue that career path, or escape before it’t too late. Overall I definitely recommend it for beginners in the field of Software Architecture and for developers who want to know about the bigger picture of building software.

Link to the book: