I was working on setting up Redis cache for our application at work. Each cache collection had to have separate Time-to-live (the keys had to expire at different times). We use the standard Spring Boot caching mechanism with @Cachable. In order to configure it, register new RedisCacheManager bean and when creating the instance provide a map with separate configuration for each cache, and optionally a default TTL configuration for each that is not set explicitly. Here is a code sample:

public RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
    log.info("Creating custom cache configuration");
    Map<String, RedisCacheConfiguration> cacheNamesConfigurationMap = new HashMap<>();
    //set cache with name "cache name 1" to expire after 100 seconds
    cacheNamesConfigurationMap.put("cache name 1",
    //set cache with name "cache name 2" to expire after 200 seconds
    cacheNamesConfigurationMap.put("cache name 2",

    return new RedisCacheManager(RedisCacheWriter.lockingRedisCacheWriter(connectionFactory),
            //set default expiration for all other caches to 300 seconds (optional)