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I write about software architecture and development.

Architecture Decision Records

Architecture Decision Records
Overview # An Architecture Decision Record (ADR) is a short text document that describes a significant desiccation the development team made about the structure or architecture of the software product they are building or planning to build. Each ADR contains information about the context, the decision made and its consequences as well as its current status. ADRs are a standard practice across the software industry. ThoughtWorks lists architectural decision records as “adopt” in their technology radar series.
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Overview # GitOps is Continuous Deployment pattern mostly used for cloud native applications. It uses infrastructure-as-code paradigm for deploying applications. The main idea is to have all infrastructure described in a Git (or another version control system) repository. When any change in the repository happens the real infrastructure will be updated automatically. This allows the development team to mange the application deployment easily and have versioned history of all deployments.
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Cloud Native Patterns - RPC

Cloud Native Patterns - RPC
Description # Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a pattern that allows distributed applications to execute a code (method or function) in a remote application the same way they make local calls. RPC is not new. Developers have been using it for a log time, but the old systems and standards are heavy and limited. The recent rise in popularity of distributed software lead to rediscovery of the RPC pattern and development of new frameworks.
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Book Review: Software Architecture for Developers by Simon Brown

Preface # I recently had to read a lot of books in order to improve my knowledge of Software Architecture. I will be writing short reviews for all of them, so here is the first one: Review # A good book for initial overview of the topic. Written specifically for developers wanting to become architects it assumes you have previous knowledge of most of the topics (or at least you have heard about them).
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Useful Linux Commands

While Linux is great for servers and containers, it is a little bit a hassle to work with. Especially when using the command line. Usually there a few different ways to do what you want and the commands themselves are not very easy to remember. So here is a list of some useful commands. I will continue to update it when I stumble upon something worth adding. df -h disk space usage
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